This is a report detailing events of the year 112 in the New Eden star cluster, as pertaining to me, Tiger Phoenix Phell, and my Clan, from my view point.
The year has been slightly eventful, with the joining of the Phell Clan and Mervess Clan. Their holdings in low security space were destroyed do to the ongoing war between the Minmatar and Amarr militia fleets, and many of the Clan, including the entire council, were killed. Shekear Mervess was placed incharge of the Clan and she contacted me with an offer of a merging of our clans, with the new clan retaining the name of Phell.
After discussion with my council, we decided to except the offer. Our two clans merged and myself and Shekear have been co-running the Clan since.
After the events of the clan merge, I felt it was time I take on more of an in person role among my Clan, being that I am the co leader of the Clan and should own up to the responsibility. I was also tired of trying to be a pirate and part of the Minmatar militia, the only reason my corporation at the time had joined was to get more opportunities at fighting and raiding, not for the Republic. So I began a search for a new corporation in Minmatar space that would accept me.
After getting a recommendation from a friend in the militia, I decided put in an app with Re-Awakened Technologies, a corporation that is part of Electus Matari, an Alliance that believes in protecting the Republic against pirates and the like. I was accepted and have been a part of the corporation ever since.
Around the mid point of the year, I lost one of my friends and crew, my XO Mennia Sha'sti. After the funeral I had to decide on a new XO for my opperations, I chose to select Shana Melaar, a cousin of mine through a granduncle. She had been my CIO (Chief Intelligence Officer) working in Amarr space, but she had to leave that post when it was discovered she and her mother had Minmatar blood in her veins and her family was exiled from Amarr space.
After she took the new job offered to her, I had a discussion with the clan council about adopting Shana and her family into the Clan, being that she and her mother are blood relatives to a good portion of the Clan and I felt we should honor what they had sacrificed when working for me and the Clan. The council agreed and when put to a vote it was a one hundred percent unanimous yes. Shana and her family went through the adoption ritual and became an official part of the Clan.
Things went quite smoothly after that for me and the Clan for about a month. Then trouble struck.
Apparently some Amarrian holders still held a grudge against Shana's family for what they felt was a betrayal to the Amarrian faith for having Minmatar blood, and felt that because they had been adopted by a Minmatar Clan that they were fair game to take some sort of revenge on. They sent a small commando team to our holdings on Nakugard VI and kidnapped Shana's mother and father, along with a few of the council members. After receiving this news I gathered a team of myself, Shana, Shekear, and a company of our elite guard and set off for home in search of them. I instructed A'dria to contact my corporation and tell them I would be planetside for an unknown amount of time, and after words catch up with me and my team.
After returning to Nakugard VI, we began our search. I will not go into detail about the events that transpired do to security risks, and the events are covered in a separate report that is filled with my Clan's Security Chief and protected by heavy layers of encryption. Needless to say, after nearly 4 months we were able to recover Shana's parents and all of the council members, with eight of our elite guard dead, the rest in varying states of injury, and myself, Shekear, and Shana wounded, A'dria made it out of the entire affair with only slight injuries. I only received a broken arm and a plasma burn. Shana and Shekear received far more serious injuries, with both receiving severe burns do to an explosive device.
We all are fully recovered now, and myself, Shekear and Shana are doing fine and are out of the Clan's hospital after nearly a months stay, the doctors felt it was to much of a risk to move us into new clones and instead suggested we recover naturally.
On the subject of increase in Sansha activity at the beginning of the year, it seems to have slowed to a stop for the moment, but the rest of the cluster is keeping a watchful eye out for them to start at it again. Hek, one of the systems that links to ours, was hit, so there is no telling if my Clan is completely safe.
We are now at the end of this year, and I believe our prospects are looking good for an exceptional year 113. I will keep an eye out for any trouble that may brew, but I hope none will.
Tiger Phoenix Phell,
Co-Leader of the Phell Clan
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